Benefits of Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Skin cancer is a scary diagnosis for some but it rarely is as bad as you might think. After a positive skin biopsy, your dermatologist might recommend a procedure called Mohs micrographic surgery. Located in Beverly Hills, CA, patients who need a dermatologist who is board-certified in Mohs Surgery can choose Dr. Brian Dubow and the staff at Dr. Dubow Dermatology for their Mohs micrographic surgery and plastic surgery repair if needed.

What is Mohs Surgery?

Dr. Frederick Mohs invented the original chemosurgery approach to skin cancer removal in the 1930s. This procedure has been refined in the century since as it has transformed from a chemical-based removal of tissue to one that uses surgical removal with detailed microscopic examination of frozen sections at the time of surgery. It involves removing layers of cancerous skin, one by one, to clear out all traces of cancer. The procedure is done while the patient is numbed and is usually completed within a few hours in our office.

Success Rate of Mohs

Mohs is a highly successful cancer treatment. Multiple studies have shown that it has a success rate of well over 90% for most types of common skin cancer and has a cure rate superior to other modalities of skin cancer removal. The Mohs procedure is designed to efficiently remove the skin cancer while leaving intact the unaffected surrounding skin so that the smallest possible wound is created. This allows for smaller repairs and thereby smaller areas of scar formation.

Mohs Surgery in Beverly Hills?

If your primary care doctor or dermatologist in or near Beverly Hills, CA, recommends Mohs surgery, Dr. Dubow Dermatology is here for you. Dr. Dubow is specifically board certified, not just in dermatology but also in Moss surgery which means he has completed advanced study in Mohs surgery and has passed a board examination specifically for the Mohs procedure. Call (310) 888-4070 or visit our office at 435 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5004. We are here to help with your treatment.

Skin cancer is a scary diagnosis for some but it rarely is as bad as you might think. After a positive skin biopsy, your dermatologist might recommend a procedure called Mohs micrographic surgery. Located in Beverly Hills, CA, patients who need a dermatologist who is board-certified in Mohs Surgery can choose Dr. Brian Dubow and the staff at Dr. Dubow Dermatology for their Mohs micrographic surgery and plastic surgery repair if needed.

What is Mohs Surgery?

Dr. Frederick Mohs invented the original chemosurgery approach to skin cancer removal in the 1930s. This procedure has been refined in the century since as it has transformed from a chemical-based removal of tissue to one that uses surgical removal with detailed microscopic examination of frozen sections at the time of surgery. It involves removing layers of cancerous skin, one by one, to clear out all traces of cancer. The procedure is done while the patient is numbed and is usually completed within a few hours in our office.

Success Rate of Mohs

Mohs is a highly successful cancer treatment. Multiple studies have shown that it has a success rate of well over 90% for most types of common skin cancer and has a cure rate superior to other modalities of skin cancer removal. The Mohs procedure is designed to efficiently remove the skin cancer while leaving intact the unaffected surrounding skin so that the smallest possible wound is created. This allows for smaller repairs and thereby smaller areas of scar formation.

Mohs Surgery in Beverly Hills?

If your primary care doctor or dermatologist in or near Beverly Hills, CA, recommends Mohs surgery, Dr. Dubow Dermatology is here for you. Dr. Dubow is specifically board certified, not just in dermatology but also in Moss surgery which means he has completed advanced study in Mohs surgery and has passed a board examination specifically for the Mohs procedure. Call (310) 888-4070 or visit our office at 435 N Roxbury Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210-5004. We are here to help with your treatment.

Primary Location

435 N Roxbury Dr,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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